In this article, you will learn all about the usage page and what you can find here.

To get to the Usage page, you navigate within your portal to the Account section and then go to Settings, you will be redirected to another page. On this page, you can click on Usage, where you will find details about your current subscription, including the number of available assessments. Here, you will get more insight about your candidates, the status of candidates, and there is an option to Upgrade your subscription.


First, you will see the section called Candidates.

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Here, you can view how many assessments are included in your plan/subscription. Just below that, you can see how many candidates were invited to make an assessment, and from that number, you can infer how many of those invitations have actually been used. It's important to note that when an assessment is sent but not completed, it doesn't mean the assessment is lost. You will only lose a credit if a candidate started the assessment. If you sent the assessment to a candidate, but they did not start it, it does not count as a credit. Therefore, it also indicates how many assessments are unused and therefore are still available to send.

Status of candidates

Below the 'Candidates' section, you'll find the Candidate Status section. Here, you will gain insight into how many candidates completed the report, shared or denied sharing the generated report with your organization.

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Upgrade your subscription

On this page, you also have the option to adjust or upgrade your subscription, for example, if you need more assessments or personalized job profiles. Of course, you can always reach out to our Customer Success department if you have any questions about these options.

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