Within the report, you will find a section called Summary. This article explains what you can find in this section.


The summary section provides a concise summary of the candidate's results compared to the chosen job profile. If no job profile is linked to the report, you will find the intelligence score, the top 5 competencies, the 3 highest-rated motivations, and the 3 highest achieved cultural preferences here.

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Match Score If a job profile is linked to the report, you can see the Match Score in the upper left corner. This score can be red, orange, light green, or dark green. The Match Score indicates the extent to which the candidate has the necessary character traits, and sometimes intelligence, for the selected position. The candidate's scores are compared with the selected job profile and the closer the candidate's scores are to the ideal scores included in the job profile, the higher the Match Score. This score is a percentile score.

Job profile Next to the Match Score, you can find the selected job profile, along with a brief explanation of whether the candidate is suitable for the role or position. You also have the option to modify the job profile directly, since you can always switch job profiles. The assessment remains the same for everyone.

Switching job profiles As mentioned above, you can switch between job profiles. This is feasible because the assessment remains consistent across all profiles. The selected job profile does not affect the questions asked within the assessment. For instance, if you have sent out an assessment linked to the lawyer job profile, you will see how the candidate aligns with the lawyer profile. If you wish to evaluate how this particular candidate would fit with a Customer Success Manager job profile, you can switch. The report will then update to display the comparison with the Customer Success Manager job profile. If you switch to no job profile, you can see the report as the candidate receives it. The report will change to a report without an opinion.

Intelligence, competency indicators, motives and cultural preferences At the bottom on the left-hand side, you can find a brief summary of the intelligence (if chosen to test the candidate). Here, on the bottom right side, you can also see how the candidate performs on the selected Competency Indicators, motives, and cultural preferences that are relevant to the job profile. These scores are displayed in dark green, light green, and grey. Dark green indicates that the candidate matches very well. Light green means the candidate matches reasonably well, and grey indicates that the candidate does not meet these requirements sufficiently.

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