In this article, you’ll learn how to make a new job profile and how to modify an already existing job profile

Make a job profile

In addition to the job profiles we already have available in our portal, you also have the option to create your own job profiles. This allows you to fully focus on the specific requirements of the position you are working on and to find the perfect match for your team.

To create a new job profile or manage existing job profiles, simply navigate to the Job Profiles section in your portal.

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When creating a new job profile, you start by coming up with a name. Here, you can also determine whether this job profile should be available in different languages. Then, click on Create job profile. At that point, the page expands, and you can select the desired competencies, motivations, and cultural preferences that align with the position and your organization. For competencies, you can choose up to 5, for motivations, you can select a top 3, and for cultural preferences, you can also choose 3 that are important for your job profile.

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Finally, you can decide whether the level of intelligence is essential for the position. Here, you can select the desired level and indicate its importance. You also have the option to modify an existing job profile. It may happen that the competencies are a perfect fit, but the motivations or cultural preferences need some adjustments.

Edit an existing job profile

You can also modify an existing job profile. To do this, go to the Job profile page once again. Now, click Start from template.

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Decide on a job profile you want to modify and click Create job profile. Here, you'll see that all competencies, motivations, and cultural preferences are already filled in when the page expands. You can easily make changes by clicking on the arrow next to them.