In this article, you will read about the last section in the report, Areas of development. Please note that this section is only available if included in your subscription.

Areas of development

The Development section includes Coachability and Areas of Development.

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The Areas of Development represent the candidate's competencies that show a discrepancy between the candidate's score and the chosen job profile. Areas of Development are considered to be improvable, in order to grow towards the job profile, by paying extra attention to these competencies. You can see what the candidates scores on the areas of development versus the job profile.

Personal development plan The areas of development can also be included or used as a basis for a personal development plan for the candidate.

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Above, on the right side, you can find the Coachability. Coachability refers to the willingness to learn and improve through feedback and guidance from others, and the ability to turn that feedback into action and personal and/or professional growth.

People who score high on this will be open to feedback and easy to coach. As a result, they will develop more easily and quickly. People who score low on this, will be much less willing to listen to feedback, and thus it will be harder for them to act on it. This makes the candidate more difficult to coach, and as a result, they will also develop less easily and/or more quickly. The Coachability score shown here, with a score from 1 (low) to 5 (high), indicates the extent to which the candidate can be coached and will be able to develop themselves further.

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